Kamis, 04 Februari 2010

Baby Sleeping habit

Beberapa hari ini, baby hilmi lagi agak gampang nangis nih...Especially kalo dia mau tidur, trus ga bisa tidur. Whoaa....yang repot ummi dan bapaknya deh.

Alhamdulillah, ada kesempatan untuk searching via google, trus dapet website yang bagus untuk menjawab kebingunganku.

1. http://johnsonsbaby.com/Sleep/default.html

Website yang paling atas ada layanan untuk meng-assess tidur bayi kita dan memberi masukan2 bagaimana cara menidurkan bayi yang baik. Ini bermanfaat banget bagi orang tua yang ingin tahu bagaimana pola tidur bayinya dibandingkan dengan bayi2 lain seusianya, apakah sudah cukup baik atau tidak melalui profiling baby sleep pattern. Quesioner ini disusun berdasarkan penelitian ahli bayi.

Kemudian website nomor 2 dan 3 merupakan presentasi dari seorang ahli dibidang tidur pada bayi. Website ini bagiku sangat bermanfaat untuk menambah pemahaman ttg bagaimana sebenarnya sleep patern pada bayi. Sehingga pada akhirnya aku bisa mengatur strategi bagaimana menidurkan dede hilmi dengan baik.

Oiya, sebenernya ada banyak sekali metode untuk menidurkan bayi. Paling tidak yang arin baca dari sumber2, ada dua metode yang cukup terkenal di US ini. Metode yang cukup laris manis buat orang US adalah metode Cry It Out. Intinya, bayi ditidurkan di crib (tempat tidur bayi) trus ditinggal sama orang tuanya dalam keadaan kamar gelap, dan terkondisikan untuk tidur. Biasanya bayi dalam keadaan belum tidur dan diposisikan sendirian di dalam kamar gelap dah pasti akan nangis dong ya..Nah tu bayi dibiarkan menangis sampai akhirnya ia tertidur sendiri.
Bayi tsb di training untuk tidur sendiri selama beberapa hari. Yang mulanya menangis selama 1 jam, hingga berkurang jadi 30 menit, lalu berkurang lagi jadi 15 menit, trus jadi 10 menit, hingga akhirnya bisa tidur sendiri tanpa menangis.

Kemudian metode yang lebih gentle, yaitu metode no tears method. Dari artinya saja kita sudah cukup memahami bahwa melalui metode ini, bayi tidak disuruh menangis hingga kecapean lalu tidur dengan sendirinya.
Dari website johnson baby ada tips yang cukup bagus untuk metode ini, yaitu :
a. Mandikan bayi di malam hari menjelang tidur
b. Meri pijatan rileks untuk baby
c. Lakukan aktivitas ringan, seperti membaca buku, menyanyi lullaby, atau membaca
quran misalnya =)

lalu ketika bayi sudah mulai lelah dan mengantuk, siapkan environment, dengan mematikan lampu, perdengarkan lagu yang lembut, jangan lupa sebelumnya bayi sebisa mungkin sudah dalam keadaan kenyang.
Nah, segera letakan bayi di tempat tidurnya (Crib), insyaAllah bayi akan tidur dengan pulas.

Nah...arin sendiri tidak setuju dengan metod Cry it out. It's too much for me. Seeing my sweetheart cry out loud like that, and I did nothing. Big no no.
At first, my hubby keep telling me about this method, since some of his friends successfully make their baby slept in this way. But I kept objected with that method.
And finally brought me to my long searching. Alhamdulillah I got this babycenter.com and educate myself. See that educating ourselves(mom) is really an important aspect in the family.

These are some of the link to the articles that I read.

Alhamdulillah dede hilmi sudah semakin mudah untuk tidur. Buktinya nih umminya bisa nulis blog malem2, hehe...biasanya mana mungkin ^__^

Ternyata keep the routine to baby is an important point. Sekarang baby hilmi dibiasakan untuk tidur around 9 to 9.30.
And biasanya bangun untuk nursing sekitar jam 4 an..Ya lumayan kan...bisa tidur through the night.
Baby happy, mommy and daddy are happy as well !!

ALhamdulillah..Praise is only to Allah aza wajalla.

Rabu, 03 Februari 2010

Pelajaran ke-2

  • Lines 4-13 of poem
  • defining ta'deeb & other definitions
  • Imam Ghazali's Ihya Ulum al-Deen
  • acquiring praiseworthy character at an early age
4. To proceed: Disciplining (ta’dib) of children From their earliest is of the most important of matters
=> Ta'dib : Instililling proper manner.
5. That was affirmed explicitly by al-Ghazali The ocean of knowledge, the true in speech

6. He emphasized in Ihya `Ulum al-Din that Those responsible take serious care of their children

7. Because disciplining the child when young
Is an increasing of their perfections when their older

8. Through this they’ll attain unto high attainment
Contentment in this life and the good of the next life

9. Thus, it befits every grandfather and father
And the one appointed by a judge to discipline a child

10. Because the child is a trust (amana) with them
And the child’s heart accepts discipline from them

11. The mother warns the child by the father
To prevent them from vileness (khana) and idleness (la`ib)

12. For the child’s heart is like a pure candle
Jewel-like, accepting any image

13. It is proper for them to accustom their children
To be mindful (taqwa) so that they’re truly successful
1. common def. tarbiyah
2. Adab and its important
3. Disciplining kids and why it's important and role of parents

    Simt al-Iqyan

    Simt al-Iqyan
    Draft English Translation

    (Copyright 2009 Faraz Rabbani. All rights reserved.)

    1. Allah praise is due to Allah, the deserving of all praise
    The giver of success to creation to the ways of guidance

    2. For all that He has blessed us with
    Praises that encompass the earth and heavens

    3. Then blessing after that
    Upon the Prophet, his folk, and companions

    4. To proceed: Disciplining (ta’dib) of children
    From their earliest is of the most important of matters

    5. That was affirmed explicitly by al-Ghazali
    The ocean of knowledge, the true in speech

    6. He emphasized in Ihya `Ulum al-Din that
    Those responsible take serious care of their children

    7. Because disciplining the child when young
    Is an increasing of their perfections when their older

    8. Through this they’ll attain unto high attainment
    Contentment in this life and the good of the next life

    9. Thus, it befits every grandfather and father
    And the one appointed by a judge to discipline a child

    10. Because the child is a trust (amana) with them
    And the child’s heart accepts discipline from them

    11. The mother warns the child by the father
    To prevent them from vileness (khana) and idleness (la`ib)

    12. For the child’s heart is like a pure candle
    Jewel-like, accepting any image

    13. It is proper for them to accustom their children
    To be mindful (taqwa) so that they’re truly successful


    14. The first of matters is childcare (hadana)
    Because the child with their family is a trust

    15. Every child should be nursed
    With a nurse righteous in word and deeds

    16. Who consumes the lawful not the prohibited
    For temperament, they say, follows food

    17. If their nursing is vile, the child will incline
    Towards vile deeds, in the end and from the beginning

    18. And when they grow you’ll find them desiring
    Eating all the time, never satiated

    19. They should teach them to eat with the right
    And always beginning in the name of Allah

    20. Not beginning before their companions
    Eating the food that is immediately before them

    21. Chewing each bite thoroughly
    Not being hasty or taking continual bites

    22. Eating the dry parts of food
    To become accustomed to dry food without sauce

    23. Sometimes, for dinner and also for daytime meals
    So they don’t feel sauce is something they must always have

    24. And keep them away from excess in adornment
    And all excessively expensive clothing

    25. Dress them in white cotton
    Till they feel free in it from other clothing

    26. If (a boy) wishes embroidered or colored clothes
    They should be told that is for women not for men

    27. And let them consider vile the clothing of the corrupt and effeminate
    And fools, the openly sinful, and the like

    28. Their body isn’t clothed in the best clothes
    All the time, not their bedding always made soft

    29. Rather, the more ruggedness they have
    The easier they are to take care of

    30. This makes one’s limbs tough and one doesn’t mind
    Walking and other physical activity

    31. They should be prevented from sleeping during the day
    Lest they become lazy or make it a habit

    [The Age of Discernment and the Manners Related to It]

    32. If the signs of discernment become manifest
    Of understanding virtues that is precious

    33. And they begin to be shy regarding things
    Then that is the beginning of the manifestation of light

    34. A gift from their Lord who gifted it
    Making things known by their consequences

    35. That is the first of the understanding of a child
    On whom the light of intellect has now dawned

    [Teaching the child Qur’an and making them accustomed to bravery and rigors]

    36. Then make them consistent in their Qur’an classes
    For it is a knowledge of tremendous consequence

    37. And it is also something that busies the heart of the child
    Away from all that entails loss of propriety (adab)

    38. And if the teacher hits the children
    Or a parent does so to one of their children

    39. Then they shouldn’t be like some women who cry
    And seek intercession of others and complain

    40. For the habit of the brave is that they don’t mention
    Everything that happens to them--rather, they’re streadfastly patient

    41. The relaxation of children after class time is for
    Their guardian to allow them to play

    42. For this is liked by children
    And it brings joy to their hearts

    43. Too much teaching deadens the heart
    And diminishes intelligence and some insight

    44. Such that they seek to any way or means
    That would free from their classes.

    45. Gentleness in all matters is better
    As they’ve said, stated, and made clear

    [What a discerning child should be taught]

    46. After the light of intellect dawns
    On a child, they’re commanded to pray

    47. And they should hold fast to the actions of the noble elect (awliya)
    The mindful of Allah, righteous, and pure

    48. And deliberately keep their company
    Until the child’s temperament corresponds to their temperament

    49. And for what the child hears from them to become rooted in their heart
    And for whatever could be imprinted in their heart become imprinted

    [Protecting the child from negative company]

    50. The child should be protected from the ignorant
    Those of corruption and misguidance

    51. And those known to lie and deceive
    And those bereft of trustworthiness (amana)

    52. For the basis of the manners of the most virtuous (akhyar)
    Is protecting children from bad companions

    53. For temperaments steal from temperament
    And whoever keeps company with the vile gets lost

    54. As has come in explicit texts from the Messenger
    That the person’s temperament follows that of their close companions (khalil)

    [Teaching children the proper manners (adab) of speech]

    55. Children should be prevented from excessive speech
    For it is from the habits of the lowly

    56. And from initiating address
    But, rather, their speech should be responding

    [Warning against vows, swearing oaths, and listening to music]

    57. From vows, they should also be prevented
    Firmly, such that they keep away the rest of their life

    58. And from poetry and music also
    They should be prevented, for all time

    [Proper manners with one’s company and people]

    59. Spitting, blowing one’s nose, and clearing the mouth
    Should not be done when one has company

    60. Or cursing, insulting, and abusing people
    As well as mixing with those dirty

    [The command to humility and leaving avidness]

    61. Children should be made to hold fast to humility
    And leaving what occurs to them of avidness

    62. For it is the gravest of vices
    As I transmit from those truly reliable

    [Warning children from love of gold and silver]

    63. And from the love of gold and silver
    They must warn them, for it is a grave vice

    64. From the destructive poisons is love of them
    So sound judgment is warning children from them

    65. And he honors his brethren with proper manners
    And everyone who he associates closely with of his companions.

    66. And he makes room for those who come in
    To a gathering that they are in

    67. He honors the one who arrives by standing
    Because he has distinguished manners

    68. He listens to the words of every wise person
    And becomes good in being attentive to the words spoken

    69. The child should not boast about their food or drink
    Nor about anything that his father owns

    70. They should respect with the greatest respect
    Anyone of honor amongst people

    71. And the parents, and the teacher
    And one's relatives and companions

    72. If good deeds are manifest from them

    One should reward them for them

    73. And their worth should be made manifest & praised

    For what they possess, among people, so that they’re pleased.

    74. And if they do something wrong secretly,

    They shouldn’t be punished openly

    75. Nor should they be rebuked in front of other people

    For otherwise, it is to be feared that they’ll lose restraint

    76. And not care afterwards if they’re blamed

    Or rebuked if they do anything wrong

    77. Rather, they should be rebuked such that

    No one else should know about it

    78. Saying: This, if known about them, would be

    Shameful, so they shouldn’t return to it

    79. And, in this, one shouldn’t talk too much to them

    Lest rebukes become light matters to them

    80. Such that it is feared that they resolve & not care

    About what they’d do afterwards of erroneous deeds.

    [Warning Against Reprehensible Traits Such as Lying, Theft, and Others]

    81. They should be warned with most intense warning

    Against lying, vile deeds, and lewdness

    82.And theft, and consuming the unlawful

    For its consequence is sin.

    [What a Child Must Known Upon Hitting Puberty]

    83. When the time of puberty comes, and the child

    Is well-aware of these matters, and not foolishly heedless

    84. They should be made aware of the purpose of things

    In both this life and in the Next

    85. And that all the provisions of a person

    Should be a means for them to worship the All-Merciful.

    86. To have the strength to worship
    And worship is the means to attaining felicity

    87. Death is the nearest of awaited matters
    And this life is an abode of passing-through

    88. The next life is the lasting abode of dwelling
    And each person shall find what they did

    89. So one should maximize one’s acts of obedience
    In this life, as provision for the next

    90. When the child grows up disciplined
    They’ll be refined when they reach puberty

    91. And things will have an impact on their heart
    Like the impact of a sharp sword’s blow

    92. And in their heart will be imprinted the love
    Of their Lord; and worship; and yearning

    93. For everything that draws one close to the Gardens
    And they’ll hold fast to this for all time.

    94. If the growth of the child is contrary
    To this way, they’ll grow up lying,

    95. Exalting themselves, boasting to people
    Holding on to lowly traits

    96. Our words he won’t listen to for himself
    For wrong will have become a disposition for them, rooted

    [Command to the Parents and Counseling them to have Concern for their Children]

    97. Thus, each parent has to pay attention
    To each daughter and each son

    98. And to shield them from all that leads to sinfulness
    Not ignoring their children like wild beasts

    99. For it has come in the Book of Allah: “Shield yourselves...”
    From it is understood everyone under one’s responsibility

    100. Meaning to grant them deep religious understanding, instill manners
    Much religious instruction, and refinement of character.

    101. It has come in the words of the Prophet
    Muhammad, the Venerable & Respected

    102. That a child is born in an Islamic natural disposition
    And only after do they become Jews

    103. If their parents make them, in loss
    Or Christian or Magian

    104. If they guide them to what is right
    They will share completely in their reward

    105. And if the child fails and is lost in their hands
    Due to their errors, then the child’s sin is theirs

    106. This, then, is the Discipline of Children
    Which I gathered with ordered meanings

    107. Of benefit to all who see it and
    Then reflect on matters and their consequences

    108. And it is Allah who guides all to the right way
    Upon Him have I relied, for He is the best of guides

    109. Then peace after the praise of my Lord
    Upon the Chosen Prophet from Ka`b

    110. And all the Prophet’s folk and followers
    As long as lightening appears from rain-filled clouds.

    Selasa, 02 Februari 2010

    The Prophet Muhammad's Love for Children

    The heart of a child should be nurtured with belief in God and spiritualism at an early age. Learning about God at an early age will help a child to overcome the difficulties of this life, not only in their childhood, but also in later adult years. The more a child is exposed to a community that observes religion, the easier it will be for that child to understand and accept religion and spiritualism later in their life. It has been observed that children who grow up in a spiritual environment are more likely to establish healthy relationships with their parents [Nursi 2002]. Islam teaches that children are gifts from the all-compassionate and generous God. We should love and care for them with perfect compassion and tenderness to ensure their healthy growth.The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, who was referred to as the “Living Qur’an” by his wife Aisha, is a primary example of how to understand the Islamic concept of how to nurture children’s spirituality. Just as in other aspects of life, the Prophet Muhammad serves here as an example of how to raise children.In many of his teachings, the Prophet Muhammad emphasized the importance of showing children kindness and compassion. Since children are weak and powerless, their spirits flourish best when they come to know and experience for themselves their compassionate and powerful Creator. Through trust in God and surrender to His guidance, children will be able to face fears and challenges throughout their life. A child needs to feel safe, and the best way to give them this feeling is to teach them that God is the Most Merciful and the Most Compassionate and that He is protecting them from all evil. A child, weak and needy, can feel secure in life only through this belief. Furthermore, teaching a child to be grateful for everything they possess and receive is another vital aspect for healthy spiritual development. A child should be made aware that everything that is given to them ultimately comes from God. In this way, they will grow into a thankful and appreciative person.Showing mercy and love to children has a special place in the Prophet Muhammad’s teachings. To address the importance of mercy in children’s spiritual development, the Prophet stated, “Whoever does not show mercy to his children is not one of us [Muslims].” Thus the Prophet Muhammad taught that children should be approached with mercy, love, respect, and trust, while Islamic teachings particularly emphasize mercy and love. His wife Aisha gave the following example:

    One day a person from the desert came to the Prophet Muhammad and said, “You are kissing children but traditionally we don’t kiss them.” The Prophet replied, “What can I do if God removed mercy from your heart?” (Bukhari, Ahlaq; Muslim, Kitab al-Fadail)

    Another teaching by the Prophet on this concept concerns his grandson Hasan:

    One day the Prophet was in one of the markets of Medina. He left the market and so did I. Then he asked thrice, “Where is the small child?” Then he said, “Call Hasan.” So Hasan got up and started walking with a necklace of beads around his neck. The Prophet stretched his hand out like this, and Hasan did the same. The Prophet embraced him and said, “O Allah! I love him, so please love him and love those who love him.” Since Allah’s Apostle said that, nothing has been dearer to me than Hasan. (Bukhari, Libas)

    It is important to note, however, that the Prophet Muhammad was overall even-handed in his approach toward raising children. He was merciful and loving towards children, but he was also resolute in his guidance. Of the Prophet Muhammad, Fethullah G

    Written by Yetkin Yildirim Wednesday, 22 March 2006

    Source :http://www.infinitelight.org/content/view/8080/20/

    The Prophet and Children

    Prophet Muhammad, may God send His praises upon him, was an extraordinary husband, a perfect father, and a unique grandfather. He was unique in every way. He treated his children and grandchildren with great compassion and never neglected to direct them to the straight path and to good deeds. He loved them and treated them tenderly, but did not allow them to neglect matters related to the afterlife. He showed them how to lead a humane life and never allowed them to neglect their religious duties or to become spoiled.

    His ultimate goal was to prepare them for the Hereafter. His perfect balance in such matters is another dimension of his divinely-inspired intellect. Anas Ibn Malik, the Messenger’s helper for 10 years, says:

    “I have never seen a man who was more compassionate to his family members than Muhammad.”[1]

    Muhammad was a human like us, but God inspired in him such an intimate affection for every living thing that he could establish a connection with all of them. As a result, he was full of extraordinary affection toward his family members and others.

    All of the Prophet’s sons died. Ibrahim, his last son, died in infancy. The Prophet often visited his son before the latter’s death, although he was very busy. Ibrahim was looked after by a nurse. The Prophet would kiss and play with him before returning home.[2]

    When Ibrahim took his last breaths, the eyes of the Prophet started shedding tears. Abdur-Rahman Ibn Awf said:

    “O God’s Messenger, even you (weep)!” The Prophet said, “O Ibn Auf, this is mercy.”

    Then he wept more and said:

    “The eyes shed tears and the heart grieves, and we will not say except what pleases our Lord, O Ibrahim! Indeed we are grieved by your separation.”

    The Messenger was completely balanced in the way he brought up his children. He loved his children and grandchildren very much, and instilled love in them. However, he never let his love for them be abused. None of them deliberately dared to do anything wrong. If they made an unintentional mistake, the Messenger’s protection prevented them from going even slightly astray. He did this by wrapping them in love and an aura of dignity. For example, once Hasan or Hussain wanted to eat a date meant for distribution among the poor as alms. The Messenger immediately took it from his hand, and said:

    “Anything given as alms is forbidden to us.”[3]

    In teaching them while they were young to be sensitive to forbidden acts, the Prophet, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, established an important principle of education.

    Whenever he returned to Medina, he would carry children on his mount. On such occasions, the Messenger embraced not only his grandchildren but also those in his house and those nearby. He conquered their hearts through his compassion. He loved all children.

    He loved his granddaughter Umamah. He often went out with her on his shoulders, and even placed her on his shoulders while praying. When he prostrated, he put her down; when he had finished praying, he placed her on his back again.[4]

    The Prophet showed this degree of love to Umamah to teach his male followers how to treat girls. This was a vital necessity; only a decade earlier, it had been the social norm to bury infant or young girls alive. Such public paternal affection for a granddaughter had never been seen before in Arabia.

    The Messenger proclaimed that Islam allows no discrimination between son and daughter. How could there be? One is Muhammad, the other is Khadijah; one is Adam, the other is Eve; one is Ali, the other is Fatima. For every great man there is a great woman.

    As soon as Fatimah, the daughter of the Messenger, entered the room where the Messenger was, he would stand, take her hands, and make her sit where he was sitting. He would ask about her health and family, show his paternal love for her and compliment her.

    Fatimah, knowing how fond he was of her, loved him more than her own self. She always watched her father and how he called people to Islam. She wept profusely when the Messenger told her that he would die soon, but her tears of sorrow turned to tears of joy when he informed her that she would be the first of his family to follow him.[5]

    This is the Prophet and his relation to children, A man respected by leaders, cherished and loved by children.


    [1] Saheeh Muslim

    [2] Saheeh Muslim

    [3] Saheeh Muslim

    [4] Saheeh Muslim

    [5] Saheeh Al-Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim

    By F.G. (edited by IslamReligion.com)

    Source : http://www.islamreligion.com/articles/555/

    Rabu, 27 Januari 2010

    Heat Rash baby Hilmi

    Dua minggu yang lalu aku mengidentifikasi ada cukup banyak tonjolan bintik-bintik di sekitar leher dan perutnya. Kemudian berkembang ke arah punggung dede hilmi. Melihatnya jadi sedih sekali. Kulitnya yang halus dan lembut, mendadak berubah jadi agak kurang sedap dipandang.

    Ditunggu2 beberapa hari ternyata rash nya itu tidak hilang-hilang. Malahan makin berkembang luas. Melihat hal ini, aku cepet2 minta suami untuk membuat appointment dengan dokter pediatriciannya. Alhamdulillah, esok harinya kami dapet waktu untuk bertemu dengan Dokter Erburu.

    Setelah diidentifikasi sang dokter, ternyata kulit hilmi memang agak sensitif dan tubuhnya bersuhu agak lebih tinggi dari anak2 normal lainnya. Sehingga cepat sekali keringetan. Wong kalo nyusu itu keringetannya sampe kemana-mana. Hehe..Dasar orang Indonesia, kalo makan aja keringetan!
    Anyway katanya kulit hilmi terkena eczema ringan dan insyaAllah tidak apa-apa. Beliau memberikan salep kulit untuk hilmi, namanya : Nystatin cream usp.

    Sekeluarnya dari ruang dokter, aku langsung head to CVS and got the ointment. ALhamdulillah, cuma dengan mengeluarkan $5 lagi. (Soalnya ada insurance yang ngebayarin hehe..)

    Obatnya emang ces pleng banget. Nggak sampe seminggu, rash di sekitar leher, badan, dan punggungnya menipis dan hampir hilang. Alhamdulillah!!
    Oiya, kata dokter pula, untuk obat bisa jg menggunakan vaseline yang non parfume..

    Soo kalo ada yg mengalami hal serupa pd bayi anda, don't worry, insyaallah kulitnya akan kembali mulus dan sehat kembali.

    Selasa, 19 Januari 2010

    Remembering my first pregy...!!



    Kemarin, tepatnya senin sore saya mendapatkan kabar gembira dari salah seorang teman bahwa mba GIlda sedang hamil 9 minggu. Subhanallah senang sekali rasanya mendapatkan kabar gembira ini.

    Mba GIlda dan suaminya yang berasal dari Egypt memang sudah mendamba-dambakan ingin memiliki momongan, mengingat usia mereka yang tidak lagi muda. Sehingga semakin cepat tentu semakin baik bagi mereka.

    Saya ingat sekali ketika mereka menjenguk kami pada waktu kelahiran anak pertama kami, hilmi, mereka minta supaya didoakan segera menyusul kami. Alhamdulillah Allah mengabulkan doa pasangan ini.

    Rasanya senang sekali. Kemudian akupun menelepon mba Gilda. Suara beliau di ujung gagang telepon tampak sedikit lemas. Akupun jadi ikut berempati dengan kondisi kehamilan beliau yang cukup sulit tsb.

    Memang saya pernah membaca sumber informasi bahwa kehamilan di usia yang semakin tua akan semakin berat. Namun tentu saja setiap kehamilan itu unik dan berbeda dari satu wanita ke wanita yang lain. Bahkan untuk anak pertama dan kedua saja bisa berlainan proses kehamilannya. Padahal itu dari ibu yang sama lho!!

    Paling tidak pengalaman hamil pertama temanku ini memang disertai dengan mual bahkan muntah-muntah, badan lemas dan mudah lelah, juga malas untuk makan. Aku jadi ingat juga cerita kakak iparku yang juga sedang hamil saat ini. Ceritanya kurang lebih serupa.

    Alhamdulillah kakak iparku ini hanya mengalami kesulian tsb di trisemester awal kehamilannya. Semoga temanku yang satu ini juga dimudahkan kehamilannya.

    Memang memiliki anak itu seperti dua sisi mata uang yang saling berlawanan.

    Teman ku ini bercerita bahwa beliau sangat ingiiiiin sekali memiliki keturunan, namun di sisi lain kehamilan yang di alami nya memang sangat berat sekali dalam pandangnnya.

    Aku jadi benar-benar merasa ikut sedih juga dengan apa yang dialaminya.

    Kalo kita mau sedikit menghibur diri, sebenarnya dibalik kesulitan insyaAllah akan ada banyak kemudahan. Itu sudah janji Allah bukan!!

    Dibalik sulitnya hamil dan proses di dalamnya, tentu di ujung sana nanti kita akan melihat bayi yang sudah kita nanti2kan paling tidak selama 9 bulan. Bayi mungil yang lucu dan menggemaskan.... Oooh...Aku jadi ingat proses kehamilan pertamaku.

    mmh...Pertama kali menyadari bahwa aku sedang hamil adalah di minggu ke-9. Kurang lebih 2 bulan masa kehamilan. Saking nggak tahunya kalo sedang hamil, janin dede hilmi sempat aku bawa main ski di Lake Tahoe di winter 2009 yang lalu.

    Eniway, Alhamdulillah trisemester pertama dilewatkan dengan cukup mulus...Nggak ada muntah muntah di pagi hari yang katanya cukup menyiksa itu.

    Malahan kehamilan pertama ini aku sambi dengan kuliah di UC Davis yang jarak kampusnya dari rumah 1 jam perjalanan atau setara dengan 55 mile 90 km. Phuh.. What a day!! And I did it EVERY DAY, Monday thru Friday.

    Kebayang deh capenya...

    Tapi alhamdulillah baby hilmi di dalam perut umminy sehat2 aja ^__^ Good Boy.

    Sebulan sekali visit ke OB/GYN. Tes demi tes. USG demi USG dilalui dengan lancar. Alhamdulillah this very first shoot was really easy. Praise only to Allah.

    Di Trisemester ke-2 kehamilan, kurang lebih di bulan Mei, aku dan suami juga si jabang bayi mengunjungi Indonesia. Karena kakak ipar mau menikah, dan suami harus menjadi walinya. Di sana kita cuma 3 minggu. Tapi subhanallah it was really pack!!

    Di minggu pertama kita jalan2 ke Bali-Lombok. Trus minggu ke-2 full @ Demak, dan Minggu terakhir dihabiskan di Tangerang sebelum akhirnya pulang ke Indonesia.

    Capeee tenan. Tapi Alhamdulillah kami sehat2 wal afiat. Walaupun sempat terkena flu + batuk2 yang cukup dasyat hiks..hiks..

    Over all kena sakit (Flu + batuk) itu 3 kali....dan 3 kali muntah. (muntah pertama pas di apartemen @ Coggins Dr, Pleasant Hill, muntah ke-2 di demak, karena baru bangun tidur langsung minum perasan lemon, muntah ke-3 di tangerang karena batuk dasyat itu...)

    Wuiih...kalo inget2 masa2 hamil...waa tak terlupakan deh!!

    Inget masa2 susah tidur, ke kiri salah, ke kanan salah, apalagi tengkurep, mana bisa hehehe....It was on the last trisemester. Ketika perut makin besar. Perutku mulai terlihat besar kalo ga salah pas akhir bulan ke-8.

    Trus inget juga ketika di rentang waktu bulan agustus-september kami ikutan kelas2 kehamilan, perawatan bayi, melahirkan, etc @ Women Health Center, Walnut Creek.

    Luar biasa deh masa2 persiapan kelahiran dede hilmi tuh.

    Kemudian di trisemeter akhir kami juga mulai hunting2 barang2 bayi, seperti crib, car seat+stroller, baju bayi, etc.

    Waah kalo diuraikan ternyata seru juga yaaa....

    Itu baru sampe proses kehamilannya yaa...

    Belum di masa2 genting pas mendekati hari H melahirkan waaa lebih seru lagi kalo yang itu..Hehe...InsyaAllah dilanjut di postingan yang lain deh.

    Intinya masa2 kehamilan adalah momen yang paling berharga bagi seorang wanita. Juga challanging bagi sebagian yang lain (terkait kesehatan ibu selama hamil, dll).

    Yang perlu kita usahakan adalah menikmati setiap detiknya, meskipun tentu saja rasa tidak nyaman akan menyertai ibu selama 9 bulan kehamilan tsb sih, namuin insyaAllah pada akhirnya nanti akan terasa lebih syahdu dan indah untuk dikenang....

    Rasa bonding dengan baby pun terasa lebih kuat pada akhirnya. Kemudian rasa cinta pun insyaAllah akan dengan sendirinya hadir di hati ibu kepada bayi yang baru di lahirkansu tsb, bayi yang dibawa2 kemanapun oleh sang ibu selama 9 bulan terakhir ini.

    Subhanallah..indaaaaaah sekali mengenang masa2 tsb. Semakin terharu dan semakin bahagia. Apalagi saat ini baby hilmi sudah 3 bulan. Dan melihatnya tumbuh dengan sehat dari air susu yang kita berikan untuknya merupakan suatu bentuk kebanggaan terseniri bagiku...Alhamdulillah...Alhamdulillah

    Semoga anak2 kita kelak menjadi anak2 yang menyejukan hati orang tua dan menjadi pemimpin bagi orang2 yang beriman. Amiin

    Spesial untuk 2 orang jagoanku...Suamiku dan anakku.. .

    Jumat, 15 Januari 2010

    Yoga for All

    Salah satu gol saya dan suami di tahun ini adalah having a good and healthy body. Nah, untuk mewujudkan gol tsb, alhamdulillah akhirnya kami bergabung di sebuah club kesehatan yang bernama YMCA.

    YMCA ini cukup popular bagi American citizen. Meskipun setelah dilihat-lihat ternyata visinya :


    "To put Christian principles into practice through program that build healthy spirit, mind, and body for All"

    Tapi...ya gapapa lah yaa...At least kita bisa memanfaatkan fasilitasnya yang subhanallah lengkap banget. Ada Gym center, pool (heated pool di musim dingin), body and mind program (yoga, pilates, etc), fitness program, squash, dan yang terpenting ada tempat penitipan anak nya hehe...^__^

    Dengan hanya berbekal kurang lebih $40 per orang per bulan kita bisa menikmati semua fasilitas tsb. Setiap hari!! (Kalo kuat yaa hehehe..).

    Sementara ini kami sudah memanfaatkan gym center, yoga jg pilates class.

    Especially suami,beliau yang dari dulu penasaran dengan yoga, kemarin akhirnya berhasil mencoba yoga class.

    Subhanallah yoga di US bener2 terkenal dan menjamur di mana-mana. Saya sendiri pertama kali kenal yoga ketika study di Boston. Ketika itu host tempat tinggal saya adalah seorang yoga teacher.

    Di YMCA sendiri saja program yoga itu diadakan SETIAP HARI !!!

    Hebat yaa....Yoga teacher laku bak kacang goreng deh.

    Anyway, kembali ke yoga class yang hari kamis malam yang lalu kami ikuti. Durasi kelasnya kurang lebih 75 menit, dan it was a quite hard one hehe....Soalnya dulu nyobanya prenatal yoga sih yaa...jadi gampang2 aja.

    Suami aja sampe hampir nyerah....Beliau lebih seneng ikutan aerobik deh kayaknya..But once in a while is OK katanya gitu..Biar bisa rileks.

    Eh tapi bener looo...ikut yoga emang bisa merilekskan pikiran dan otot2 tubuh. Analogi nya tuh, tubuh kita itu seperti kertas yang lecek dan sudah dikruek-kruek, yoga tuh membantu kertas tadi untuk kembali halus dan rata seperti kertas yang baru. Hehe tampak berlebihan ya analogi nya.

    Btw yaa kurang lebih begitu deh. Mengembalikan tubuh kita ke alignment nya.

    Overall, I like it! (So so for my hubby, though)

    Oiya the good thing is mereka juga punya tempat penitipan anak yang free untuk member.

    Jadi, kemarin kami menitipkan dede hilmi di sana. Alhamdulillah dede sholeh pisan hehe..kata caregivernya, she even didn't take the baby out, coz he slept in his car seat. Alhamdulillah .

    Good boy!!

    Kalo gitu makin semangat deh untuk bisa ikutan program2 di YMCA.

    Semoga bisa terus konsisten deh. Amiin

    picture taken from : www.YMCA.net